June 19, 2011

Sunday Ritual

Zoya 'Lulu' Nail Polish - $8.00

I'm a little cheap when it comes to nail polish and manicures. In fact, I've probably only had a professional mani/pedi a handful of times in my life and it's generally reserved for special occasions (ex. the last mani/pedi I went for was for my wedding last October). Instead of heading to the salon, I've found myself routinely sitting down to paint my nails on Sunday evenings. It gives me an excuse to relax for an hour, occasionally sip a glass of wine, watch some bad reality tv, and mentally prepare myself for the upcoming week. Over the past few months, it has become a ritual that I truly enjoy and look forward to every week.

Tonight, I will be saying goodbye to this lovely pale peachy pink color by Zoya and replacing it with a new color, yet to be determined. I first discovered Zoya nail polishes through their '3 free' promo where they gave away 3 free bottles of nail polish (I paid only $6.95 for shipping) to thank fans for helping them reach 20,000 'likes' on Facebook. I love the creamy texture of Zoya polishes and there are so many shades to choose from it can be a little overwhelming!

In my opinion, I think the price ($8 per bottle) of Zoya nail polishes is reasonable but I prefer to wait until they come out with a good promo before placing an order. The last time I placed an order was during their 'Earth Day' promo and I scored 6 bottles for $24. Promos are generally shared via Facebook so be sure to 'like' Zoya's page if you want to stay up to date with the latest deals!


  1. I love painting my nails on Sunday - I like to do them myself as well :) Gorgeous color!

  2. Thank you, Katherine! You have a lovely blog and your wardrobe is to die for! :)
